“Sparking discovery, creativity, and imagination”
Our policy
Enrollment is open to any child 2 1/2 (We will work with potty training) to 12 years of age provided the school can meet his/her needs. Interested parents and children are invited to tour the center and meet the staff.
Parents must complete a registration packet, submit proof of immunization, and show an original birth certificate before the child will be admitted to the classroom. Upon receipt of the completed application and registration fee, placement will occur on a first-come, first-serve basis.
If not included as a part of the tour, a conference with the parent and child is requested to aquaint each new family with the environment, staff, and daily schedule. Children are grouped according to age and developmental level.
About our Payment Schedule
+Tuition must be paid in advance of services.
+Weekly payments are due each Monday
+If your child is absent for illness or vacation, the weekly tuition is still required.
+There is no credit given for scheduled school holidays, child's illness, or closing due to acts of God.